Purchase United Mileage Plus miles with up to 100% Bonus Miles

Purchase United Mileage Plus miles with up to 100% Bonus Miles

Buying miles and points can represent a great deal, especially for premium air travel. Loyalty programmes advertise these sales as discounts or bonuses on purchased miles. United MileagePlus has launched its latest promotion on purchased miles, valid through January 27, 2024, 2359 hours Central time. United is offering up to a 100% bonus on purchasing miles in this round of the tiered promotion.

Buy United MileagePlus Miles with up to a 100% Bonus.

Through January 27, 2024, 11:59 PM Central Time, United MileagePlus is offering a tiered bonus on purchased miles. The promotion offers up to a 100% bonus at the top end of the promotion.

It usually costs 3.5 US Cents per purchased mile when you buy United MileagePlus miles, apart from a 7.5% excise tax charged in the US. But with the current offer, the tiering is as follows:

Buy 5,000+ miles, get 30% bonus
Buy 20,000+ miles, get 65% bonus
Buy 45,000+ miles, get 100% discount

With the 100% bonus, one can buy 100,000 miles (with a 100% bonus) at 1.88 US Cents per purchased mile (INR 1.56 per mile).

Note that United MileagePlus limits members to purchasing 175,000 MileagePlus miles per account per calendar year, including any bonuses being offered. However, the limit has been hiked up to 200,000 miles for this promotion. This is the maxed-out version of the offer for you. If you are buying United miles, it can take up to 48 hours for them to post to your account.

Which credit card should you buy United MileagePlus miles with?

Typically, these point purchases are processed through Points.com and not directly by the hotel or airline. However, you will pay in USD, not INR. So, the best cards to earn a bonus are Citi Prestige, Axis Reserve or American Express Platinum Charge Card, as these cards offer extra points on international spending. Beyond these, look at any card that provides a reduced foreign exchange spend conversion or one where you want to meet minimum spend requirements.

One of the great features of United Mileage Plus is that United does not pass on fuel surcharges to customers. Another great feature is the fact that United MileagePlus miles don’t expire. So, you get to keep your miles no matter what. And you can use them on Star Alliance member airlines for redemption.


United MileagePlus is offering a bonus on purchased miles, with up to 100% miles bonus. With this sale, MileagePlus miles can be acquired for US Cents 1.88/ INR 1.56 each at the top end. The promotion is valid for the miles purchased till January 27, 2024 (11:59 PM Central Time) or January 28, 2024 (11:29 AM IST). Crunch the numbers before you buy.

Do you plan on buying United MileagePlus miles with this promotion?

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