Nothing is more disappointing than applying for a credit card, only to find out later that a better welcome offer was available if you had waited a little longer. This is especially frustrating because many banks won’t match you to the better bonus after you’ve already applied. Timing is everything when it comes to finding the best credit card offers, and in this guide, we’ll explore the past offers of 10 popular travel credit cards to help you make the most informed decision.
One of the most popular travel rewards cards is the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card. This card offers affordability, flexibility, and value. In 2021, Chase launched an unprecedented 100,000-point sign-up bonus that lasted for four months. Prior to this, the standard offer was a 60,000-point bonus, worth $1,230 according to The Points Guy’s valuations. The offers for this card have varied over the years, with bonuses ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 points. If you see an offer of 80,000 points, it’s recommended to jump on it, as 60,000 points seems to be the standard offer these days.
The Chase Sapphire Reserve is another popular travel credit card. Unlike the Sapphire Preferred, the offers for this card have remained relatively stable over the years. The best offer seen so far has been 80,000 points in late 2022. The current standard offer is a 60,000-point bonus, worth $1,230. If you come across an offer of 80,000 points, it’s advisable to take advantage of it, as 60,000 points is more common.
The Platinum Card from American Express is a luxury travel card that has dominated the market for quite some time. Despite its hefty $695 annual fee, it offers annual statement credits worth over $1,500. The welcome offers for this card have varied from 60,000 to 100,000 Membership Rewards points. It’s recommended to apply for this card only if the welcome offer is above 75,000 points, and it’s a no-brainer at the 100,000-point mark, depending on the spending requirements. It’s worth noting that you may be targeted for a higher offer through the CardMatch tool, so it’s worth checking if you qualify for a higher bonus.
For business owners, the Business Platinum Card from American Express is the business counterpart to the Amex Platinum. This card also has a $695 annual fee but offers a range of business-friendly perks and statement credits. The welcome offers for this card have ranged from 75,000 to 150,000 Membership Rewards points, with spending requirements of $15,000 in the first three months. If you’re considering this card, it’s advisable to wait for an offer of at least 100,000 points.
In conclusion, timing is crucial when it comes to applying for credit cards with the best welcome offers. By understanding the past offers of popular travel credit cards, you can make an educated guess on when to apply and maximize your rewards. Remember to always compare the current bonuses and consider the spending requirements before making a decision.