If you’re in the market for a new credit card, one of the factors you may be considering is the sign-up bonus. These bonuses can vary greatly from card to card and can change frequently, making it difficult to know when the best time to apply is. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled the offer history for some of the most popular cards from Citi.
Citi Premier Card:
The Citi Premier card has a welcome offer of 80,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening. This offer has been consistent over the past few years, with a few variations in the number of points required. If you’re considering applying for this card, the best time to do so is when the bonus offer is 80,000 points or higher.
Citi Custom Cash Card:
The Citi Custom Cash card offers a $200 cash back bonus after spending $1,500 on purchases in the first six months of account opening. This offer has remained consistent since the card’s launch in mid-2021. If you’re interested in this card, the best time to apply is when the bonus offer is $200 cash back or higher.
Citi Double Cash Card:
The Citi Double Cash card has a straightforward cash-back rewards program, with 2% cash back on every purchase. While the card does not always have a sign-up bonus, there have been instances where a $200 cash back bonus was offered after spending $1,500 on purchases in the first six months. If you’re considering this card, it’s best to apply when there is any cash-back welcome offer available.
Citi Rewards+ Card:
The Citi Rewards+ card offers unique rewards, with every purchase rounding up to the nearest 10 points. The card has had various sign-up bonus offers over the years, ranging from 15,000 to 25,000 bonus points. Additionally, there have been additional bonus categories where cardholders can earn extra points. If you’re interested in this card, the best time to apply is when the bonus offer is 20,000 points or higher.
Citi/AAdvantage Platinum Select World Elite Mastercard:
The Citi/AAdvantage Platinum Select card is a great choice for frequent American Airlines flyers, offering perks such as preferred boarding and a free checked bag. The card has had consistent bonus offers of 50,000 to 75,000 miles after meeting spending requirements. If you’re considering this card, the best time to apply is when the bonus offer is higher than 50,000 miles.
It’s important to note that the bonus offers mentioned above are based on The Points Guy’s valuations and may differ from the actual offers provided by the credit card issuer. Additionally, the availability and terms of these offers can change at any time, so it’s always a good idea to check the current offer before applying.
In conclusion, if you’re considering applying for a credit card, it’s worth evaluating the sign-up bonus to determine if it provides the value you’re looking for. By reviewing the offer history of popular Citi cards, you can get a sense of when the best time to apply for each card may be. Remember to always check the current offer and terms before applying to ensure you’re getting the most value out of your new card.